It is up to all of us to strive for sustainability and our work is never done.
We look at the big picture, yet aim to make incremental contributions each and every day. It’s about proactively finding ways to reduce our impact, from our latest large-scale solar installation, glue and emissions reduction, carefully verifying suppliers, avoiding harmful materials and using our expertise to infuse sustainability into our projects, from inception.
Created by the founders of Ason Bags, the brand Cuulah was an excellent case study in showcasing our sustainability capabilities. One of our key focus areas, apart from making beautiful bags, was to make them last, using top quality materials and extra stitching.

While we adhere to all necessary global certification standards, we also look at our manufacturing holistically, and realistically. One example: if our tests show certain recycled fabrics to be fragile (not sustainable if it means the bag ends up in a landfill) we reject it, despite it's 'green' credentials.

Certificates and compliances are important, but we look for further ways to reduce our impact on the planet (including our staff’s) and also to invest in programmes that develop communities that previously may not have had access to resources to achieve their dreams.

With the insight that is only gained from being at the coal face of manufacturing, we've seen how small mistakes can have a far reaching impact at a mass scale. So we pledge quality manufacturing at any level of budget. Product failure = waste. Quality = longevity.
2500kW per day
Reducing 600 tons of carbon emissions
Powering office, showroom & 1x production line.

Audited in 2023
Met and exceeded expectations in all categories including Sustainability, Monitoring & Measurement, Traceability and Site Security

Audited in 2022
Scored A overall in a full audit on major production line producing on behalf of a large multinational consumer appliances company

Audited in 2022
Scored A in eight categories including Environmental Protection, Ethical Business, Health & Safety and Fair Remuneration